Real estate creates multigenerational wealth

Le Bijou, a class of its own.

Real estate has always been a cornerstone of wealth generation and preservation. Properties in ultra-prime locations maintain a stable value during almost every economic situation when aligned and managed properly.

Real Estate
Le Bijou
Less Volatile
More Volatile
Lower Returns
Higher Returns


The performance of private real estate is not closely correlated with public stocks, bonds, or funds.

Capital Preservation

Real estate assets, when properly structured and managed, are great to preserve capital.

Cash Flow

Real estate can generate stable and predictable cash flows.

A real alternative for investors

Good deals are hard to get

Quality opportunities are difficult to source, operationally intensive, and often burdened by high prices, misalignment, or poor performance.

Quantitative easing (money printing) has driven real estate prices to an all-time high and returns further down. The Le Bijou operating model for real estate has brought investors a real alternative for over a decade.

“Success has proven Le Bijou right: rates of return from which classic hotels and other companies can only dream of.”

Neue Zürcher Zeitung

A new operational model

Real estate lacks innovation

Real estate is somewhat of a Jurassic industry. The market lacks innovation; thus, most investors “buy to let”.

The regular operational model leaves little room for competition and makes it nearly impossible to find an outperforming deal, as buildings are generally considered to be a commodity. As a result, most returns are within the same range and, due to the high inflow of capital in recent years, not really exciting.


Unlock the potential

Unique benefits of real estate

Real estate offers unique benefits over other asset classes when aligned and appropriately managed, but the true potential is rarely unlocked by the current market players.

Most professional real estate investors, such as pension or real estate funds and REITs, are incentivized only by AUM (assets under management) and rarely by the performance of their assets. Because of this, real estate is often seen through the eyes of the old economy.

We look at real estate investments with fresh eyes and have created an operational model that has outperformed the traditional model for over a decade.

Traditional real estate is facing a headwind.


In recent years asset prices have gone up consistently while rental income stagnated or declined, making the traditional "buy to let" model inefficient for most investors.

Due to the inflationary or stagflationary economic environment, central banks have raised key interest rates. In response, mortgage lending banks have massively increased interest rates on mortgages.

However, due to the tenancy law, landlords cannot easily adjust their rents to the new market environment. Conversely, real estate is becoming almost unprofitable considering current valuations. Especially rural and suburban real estate assets are experiencing strong headwinds as the mortgage rates to refinance often exceed their current post-tax income.

“Having low fixed costs is an advantage in the hotel industry. Le Bijou can manage the cost pressure better than hotels that have to pay salaries for hundreds of employees.”


Gross yield comparison

The graphs compare gross yields (without leverage) per year based on historic sqm prices in Switzerland. Le Bijou looks back on a positive track record of way over a decade.


Sources: Realadvisor, Moneypark, and Numbeo Property Prices Index by Country 2022

*The reference yield for Le Bijou was calculated by net operating income in comparison to the sqm price of real estate in Zürich, Switzerland (Post code 8001) per year

How we provide above-market returns

No rental caps

Tenancy law is very tenant-friendly: Most properties can barely increase their rent.

No unpaid rents

A rental nomad can stay in your property for years without paying rent. The law protects him, and you can't do much about it.

Le Bijou works exclusively with accommodation contracts, just like a hotel.

We can adjust our prices to the market environment daily.

Almost no vacancy

Le Bijou has several revenue streams, up to 31 monthly tenants per unit, and can easily adjust to new trends.

Only the best locations.

Our properties are where tenants and guests want to be; in the city's heart.

It's flowing from all sides.

We have highly diversified income streams, all from different markets.

We service:

The hotel market by providing an alternative to leading hotels, and...

...the high margin residential rental market where tenants are ready to pay high rents, and...

...the event and communication market by turning our units into exclusive, sought-after event venues.

Meet James

Our concierge system is half human, half machine and turns every guest experience into a 5-star review while cutting operational costs in half.

World famous

Le Bijou benefits from a strong brand image. We have been in all leading media, such as Forbes, New York Times, and CNN, and have been endorsed by icons like Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak.


This is real estate on steroids.

Or how we turn buildings into highly efficient cash flow powerhouses.

How we do it

A cashflow powerhouse


We turn buildings into autonomously operated cashflow powerhouses. To do so, we have developed an operating model that has been outperforming traditional real estate investments since over a decade. We've rigorously automated processes and use modern tech to eliminate complex operations.

In short, Le Bijou is a hotel alternative, a serviced living operator, and an award-winning event location.



Short term hotel bookings

Our apartments can be booked just like a hotel, night by night. As our offering is in the premium segment, guests are ready to pay a 5* rate to stay at our properties.


Long term residential tenants

Instead of finding, furnishing, and decorating your own place, more and more high-earners decide to use "living as a service," which offers more flexibility and a fully managed lifestyle.


Corporate and private events

Brands and individuals enjoy meeting and spending time together. We are working for some of the most renowned luxury brands, private banks, and individuals who book a penthouse to celebrate.

Talk to us


We are happy to answer all your questions in a personal meeting or call. Le Bijou representatives are available for in-person meetings all over Switzerland and, upon availability, in Europe.

Schedule a call with one of our representatives to determine if a bond investment is right for you.

Fabian Coray,
Director Investor Relations


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